1001 Contoh Kalimat Plat Nomor Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Artikel penjelasan kali ini akan membahas tentang plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris.
Plat nomor kendaraan atau lempengan pipih yang berbentuk seperti pelat berbahan dasar aluminium ini biasanya diletakkan di depan dan di belakang bagian kendaraan bermotor jenis kendaraan apapun.
Nomor kendaraan berfungsi sebagai identitas dari kendaraan bermotor yang dimiliki.

Plat nomor kendaraan memiliki nama resmi TNKB atau tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor.
Untuk penjelasan selengkapnya tentang plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris di artikel kali ini simak pembahasannya di bawah!
Plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris
Plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki beberapa pengungkapan, diantaranya:
- License plate number
- Number plates
- Plate number
- Tag numbers
- License plate numbers
- Vehicle license plate artinya kendaraan plat
- Vehicle number atau nomor kendaraan
- Care number plate atau nomor plat mobil
- Serial number plate atau nomor seri plat
- Number plate recognition atau nomor pengenal plat
- Number plate holder atau dudukan plat nomor
- Truck number plate atau plat nomor truk
License plate holder atau dudukan nomor lisensi
Contoh kalimat plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris
Agar anda lebih mudah menggunakan dan memahami cara pemakaian plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris, berikut beberapa contoh kalimat plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris.
But this vehicle is a prototype vehicle, and it’s not going to be on the road until it’s proven as safe as or saver than today’s vehicle, it will get its vehicle number plate.
Once again, description of that escape vehicle as follows dark green 1958 Cadillac convertible bearing license plate number is A2546.
If I look at your license plate number, I don’t really know who you are.
Gruppenführer, get that car’s license plate number.
You will get a list of car plate numbers.
You wanted the license number off of that car?
Can you see that plate number?
You just have a habit of writing down license plates?
I know the license plate number of the kidnapper’s van.
I will ask you one more time, what is that car plate number?
Jason eventually caught after the victim reported the incident with the car number plate to the police while Jason escaped.
Maria quickly calls Lola and tells her the car’s license plate.
For example, your car’s license plate consists of four numbers and two letters.
That was my car plate number!
Car license plate recognition.
The second dome with a diameter of 34 meters represent the car license plate number of Istanbul.
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It was also her first state to issue car license plates.
Car number plates and road signs may appear blurry.
The car’s license plate read 2021.
Select a car can at forging license plates of the car if there are five of unpaid fines.
Belgian car number plates differ enormously from the previous countries.
For example in 1993 the car plate number 2 belonging to the Hong Kong government.
She can easily identify the perpetrator’s face or his car number plate.
Credit card number and car number plate don’t change very often.
Avoid password that is easy to guess like you’re IC number, a car plate number, or your date of birth.
A multi-platform the size of car license plates with data center class processing power.
Those military uniforms and fake car license plates have also been confiscated.
Do you got the plate? (apa kamu dapat plat nomor mobilnya?)
They cannot be identified while car number plates are also rendered illegible.
But what they didn’t know, what nobody outside the factory knew was that model car was made with a metal plate under the driver’s seat.
I know everything about them license plate included.
The license plate is like a rash all over the computer.
And I said, this car here’s got one license plate that’s all crumpled up.
I think last night my father change his numberplate holder to a new one and it’s perfect now.
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Itu dia penjelasan tentang plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kami sampaikan di dalam penjelasan artikel kali ini.
Semoga pembahasan plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris kali ini bisa menambah informasi dan wawasan yang anda butuhkan.
Jangan lupa untuk membagikan artikel ini jika dirasa bermanfaat ke media sosial anda agar ada lebih banyak orang lagi yang bisa menikmati manfaatnya.
Terima kasih sudah berkunjung untuk membaca artikel plat nomor dalam bahasa Inggris dan sampai jumpa lagi di pembahasan artikel bermanfaat selanjutnya.